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Established in 1995, Barrett is a business consulting and education firm specialising in ethical, human-centred Sales Strategies, Systems and Practices. Our systems and work are designed to help people and businesses Sell Better, faster for all the right reasons now and sustainably into the future. Barrett understands that leading and managing a sales team and its operation is about managing a complex variable system that requires constant attention and considered action. We know that Sales Teams and Operations do not follow a predictable straight line. Throwing our salespeople in the deep end and expecting them to sell better with no clear strategy, no value proposition or articulated sales process, limited training or no ongoing support, or a 'customer phobic' value chain is madness. This is why, at Barrett, we take a systems thinking approach to selling better. We've been studying, researching, codifying, modelling, promoting and educating people on a better, ethical, human-centred approach to selling since 1995 and it works – very well. Just ask our clients and their customers.