Women in Technology WA Inc. (WiTWA)'s logo

Women in Technology WA Inc. (WiTWA)

Women in Technology WA Inc. (WiTWA)'s logo
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WiTWA is a Perth-based, not for profit organisation providing a framework for women in tech [+] to extend their networks and expand their knowledge on a broad range of professional topics. We encourage open conversation and inspire deliberation and debate. WiTWA wants to see more women in tech [+] roles and organisations in WA, and to progress those already in these careers as we achieve greater parity and equality. This is how we help make it happen: Encouraging young people to study STEM subjects through our Techtrails program, showing Year 9 and 10 students the diverse and varied jobs for all genders in tech [+] careers. We want to retain the women already in tech [+] careers. We do this by helping them connect with fellow supporters and providing networking and development opportunities through our suite of events: TechXChanges, Boardroom Series and our newly minted one-day conference, WiTWA [+]. Our supporters span across gender, industry and age and are committed to introducing women and young people to exciting and meaningful careers in tech, science and innovation. We want to champion tech [+] as viable, future focused and stimulating professions for young people to consider; and we want to support them in that pursuit – all while raising the status of women in Australian business and in all tech [+] industries.