ABUNDANT BODY - Stella Topaz
I am a certified sexological bodyworker, a Wheel of Consent® facilitator, and sex and body educator. I’ve became a registered nurse in the 80’s, and worked for 40 years’ across healthcare, mostly in community-based sexual health, HIV, and LGBTIQA+ health. I now work for myself, offering online and in-person sessions, workshops, group work, and speaking requests.
I’m a queer, cis, white-bodied older femme, loving cultures of care, grandmothering, intergenerational queer kinships, and embodied consent practices. I'm an active learner in anti-oppressive practices, anti-racism, and socially-just communication. My queerness and feminism are trans-inclusive.
The Wheel is such a gift; radically clear agreement-making is glorious; in touch, sex, kink, and relationships, in friendships, communities, work dynamics, and everyday relating.
I’m receiving ongoing training and mentorship from Betty Martin creator of the Wheel of Consent®, and I'm part of the training team with the School of Consent.
I consult online, as well as in-person in Newtown. I live on Aboriginal land, Dharawal Country, Port Kembla NSW. Always was, always will be Aboriginal land.