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Cancer Symptom Trials (CST)

Cancer Symptom Trials (CST)'s logo
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Cancer Symptom Trials (CST) is one of fourteen Cancer Cooperative Trials Groups (CCTGs) funded by Cancer Australia. CST is a research collaborative within the Improving Palliative, Aged and Chronic Care through Research and Translation (IMPACCT) research centre at the University of Technology Sydney. Our work is important for the significant number of Australians who are diagnosed with cancer every year. Through our clinical trials, we research options for improved management of symptoms that can occur due to a cancer diagnosis and related treatments. Our goal is to ensure the best quality of life possible for people with cancer. We do this by identifying accessible, affordable, and appropriate medicines and therapies for people with cancer, including those living at home. We acknowledge the significant role that carers play in the lives of people with cancer. They are critical contributors in decisions about management of symptoms. We welcome their inclusion and participation in our research.