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Rache Moore

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Rache Moore is a ceremonialist, spiritual guide, dance, yoga and meditation teacher who presents to audiences around the world at festivals, retreats and conferences. She has facilitated for companies including Zurich, Google and Commonwealth Bank and finds her greatest passion is bringing people together to celebrate life and remember the beauty of being human. Rache majored in Social Psychology and has been designing transformational events and experiences around the globe for twenty years, including four years of event curation in New York City where she worked with U2, The Beastie Boys and the prestigious Fashion’s Night Out. Her creative passion for cultivating community and radical self expression lead her to co-found one of Australia’s longest running Burning Man theme camps. Rache Founded Rainbow Tribe in 2012, a creative platform for artists, performers, dancers and musicians who hold modern day rites of passage and events for the growing conscious community. She is dedicated to bringing back the sacred into everyday life and reviving the art of ritual as a tool for authentic connection and to activate heart centred communities. In 2015 Rache was initiated into the Nacion Pachamama Movement in South America where she continues to gain knowledge in the teachings of Andean mysticism, a shamanic practice of natural law, custodianship and personal empowerment. Rache acknowledges the Gumbaynggir people, the original custodians of the Bellingen Shire, where she resides, paying respect to elders past, present and emerging of all nations.