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Anthony Moss

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Working with CEOs and boards Anthony helps companies discover the "Right Strategy" and the Right Governance structure. Strategy that sits at the centre of an organisations Purpose, their Potential and their Appetite for growth and risk. The right governance framework provides accountability for execution and a model for decision making focused on ensuring a sustainable future.

In a corporate and consul􀆟ng career spanning more than 30 years, Anthony has worked with more than 180 medium to large private companies.

Before establishing his management consultng business, he worked in the UK, Europe, the United States and Australia in services, manufacturing, and distribution industries, holding CEO and director positions. He frequently shares his knowledge as a speaker and facilitator at seminars and conferences on a range of business growth topics.

Anthony is a passionate advocate of the value of Advisory Boards for private companies and Chairs several Advisory Boards.

Anthony is also the non-executive Chair of Makinex Pty Ltd, a global supplier of innovative tools and equipment to the construction industry.