Bec Cameron is a Coach working to empower women around the world.
Based in Melbourne, Bec is not only a martial artist, a visionary and a feminist, she is also an advocate for human rights, social justice and personal power. Focusing on the impact of vulnerability, our stories and their potential to influence a woman’s confidence. Bec has has spoken at events, including Angel Phoenix Arsenal's Dynamo Doula Training and Radical Resurgence Retreat, in Bali. Bec is available for public speaking, workshops, podcasts. Known for her fearlessness, her humour and her ability to hold a crowd aged 5 to 85, Bec teaches how engage with your insecurities, reclassifying what makes you vulnerable as your very own superpower. Her work empowers women to take up space, renegotiate with their inner critic, embrace their ferocity, their anger and their inherent, unquestionable power, in order transform their sense of self and experience life changing emotional freedom.