Audrey Muliva is a Thought Leader Speaker on digital wellbeing and the future of Connection;
Certified as an educator by the Digital Wellness Institute , she teaches healthy online habits to adapt and define the healthiest way of consciously being and interacting online.
Her vision is to make the Online world the healthiest place for all of us where we can tap into interconnected collaborations and make social peace our Reality.
Audrey develops workshops and program educating our youth (teens and pre teens) , their parents and individuals who experience high sensitivity to digital devices use and social media experiences.
Bringing an online/ offline balance to families.
Helping developing healthy digital habits and boundaries to get over online overwhelm, its cognitive overload and stay connected online in a healthy manner.
She co-authored two books : The new Earth code Quest and Garden of Hope written with aligned Online connections aged 20 to 65 and over 5 different countries.
Audrey MULIVA is also a trained as a professional speaker and certified speaker’s coach by the Speakers institute and is a leader of the South Australian speaker’s tribe.