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Maureen Wise

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Hi, I'm Maureen Wise and my business name is the same. I am a passionate advocate for professional and business women leaders who are wanting to make their lives count and make a difference. As a Mindset, Creativity and Success Coach, I specialize in Mindfulness and Meditation, Leadership Coaching through Creative Thinking, Mindful Art Workshops, NLP and Behavioural Profiling. I have found that many women who aspire to be leaders, struggle with self-belief, stress, perfectionism and anxiety. My purpose is to help them firstly find ways, through Mindfulness and Meditation, to bring balance back into their lives and to rekindle their self-belief. My intuitive and mindful art classes are designed to do just that as well as develop creative thinking for innovation and a growth mindset. I am also passionate about helping women become more courageous through understanding more about themselves, their behavioural patterns, how they think and what they truly want. Through my coaching programs and workshops, I take them from Worrier to Graceful Warrior. My workshops are fun and interactive and are held both in my studio, Wise HeART Studio, and online. You can find out more at or by emailing me at