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Women In Media Australia

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Women in Media is a nationwide initiative for women working in all facets of the media including journalism, media creation, publishing, public relations, corporate affairs, and digital marketing such as promotion, placement, optimisation, and analysis.

We are a not-for-profit industry body developed by and for women in media across Australia. We exist to help women in media connect, learn and contribute.

Women in Media thrives as a result of the tremendous work of volunteers who run our state committees, act as mentors, and give their time as guest speakers.


To support women in media by:

* creating opportunities and connections
* contributing to career advancement and recognition
* upskilling and providing access to resources through mentoring, industry programs and events
* encouraging members to give back and act as mentors
* collaborating with other media industry bodies and organisations


Women in Media launched in WA in July 2005 and has since expanded to every state and territory. Our Inaugural co-patrons were Caroline Jones and Victoria Laurie.