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Felipe Oliveira Counselling

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Felipe Oliveira is one of the first 25 The Way of Council facilitators in Queensland, plus a registered counsellor for men who are seeking an Authentic Life. He has been in his own deeper journey for more than 10 years, always creating workshops and retreats targeting males who are searching for a meaningful life. During his Masters Degree in Counselling, he dived deep in men’s issues through evidenced-based therapies (Gestalt and Person-Centred) along the Deep Psychology of Jung and the sacred teachings of Joseph Campbell through the Hero’s Journey - the teachings that influenced the classic movie busters (Star Wars, Matrix, Gladiator, Braveheart and etc.). He, also, has been passionate and advocate of the concept that sexuality and spirituality are two sides of the same coin explored by David Schnarch, Sebastian Moore, and Esther Perel.