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Ionie Valdez-Baltgalvis

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Ionie's passion is supporting people in uncovering and discovering the truth of who they are. UNTAMED AND UNCENSORED! After suffering deeply with postnatal depression, anxiety and PTSD, journeying with plant medicine changed Ionie's life and propelled her forward on a path of rapid ascension. This unearthed and revealed her light and passion for supporting and holding space for those on their own healing path and gave her the courage to step out of the nest and step into her power, birthing her into the Shaman, Sound Healer and High Priestess she is today. She empowers the community to live their true soul purpose by emanating light upon trauma, limiting beliefs and toxic behaviours that would otherwise manifest an undesirable life. By unlocking multidimensional keys into people’s inner truth in order to shed light upon past lives, unconscious memories and trauma which are ready to be healed. Liberating you in your expression as you are witnessed in your rawness. Ionie holds a deeply nurturing and loving space which is safe and supports people in reaching expanded states of being.