Stopping Family Violence was formed on the belief that everyone deserves to live without fear of violence. The organisation’s purpose is to drive the social change that we believe is necessary to put an end to family and domestic violence.
At Stopping Family Violence keeping women and children safe from fear of violence is at the core of everything we do. For us, it is vital that that all responses to FDV work to enhance safety and reduce risk for those experiencing FDV. We do this by focusing upon the cause of harm which all too often is men in our community. It is only through changing men’s behaviour that we can hope to end family and domestic violence.
Stopping Family Violence works to drive this change by engaging with men (and the services that support them) to help foster the changes that are necessary for them to stop choosing violence and to encourage alternative ways of behaving, by working with children and young people to address the trauma they have experienced as a result of FDV and teach them about the value of positive relationships, by working with organisations who support men to change violent behaviours, and by working with the entire community to change perceptions about family violence and encourage us all to stand together and stand up for anyone they believe may be in danger.
We do this work through pilot programs and action research, delivery of training programs within and across sectors, provision of counselling and supervision, by supporting organisations who provide men’s behaviour change programs or who may engage men who are violent and by working in the community to raise awareness and change perceptions.
Stopping Family Violence also acts as a peak body for men’s behaviour change programs in Western Australia and as part of this role convenes the WA Men’s Behaviour Change Network.