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Seed Spaces Glebe

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Seed Spaces is Sydney’s newest and coworking, event and networking space for purpose-driven business owners. We help socially and environmentally conscious leaders turn good intentions into business innovations, partnering them with like-minded business owners to build their network, share ideas and create wildly profitable, impactful enterprises. At Seed Spaces, we believe that businesses have a powerful opportunity, and responsibility, to create a positive impact - on our environment, our communities and stakeholders. Further to this, data has shown us time and time again that for business, doing good is good for business. Cause-integrated companies consistently attract and retain top talent, build loyal customer bases and create long-lasting global impact. They also have an enormous opportunity to capture market share and drive long-term prosperity. How you choose to position your brand and conduct business MATTERS, and our goal is to build a community of like-minded, ambitious and purpose-fuelled individuals to create a collective which, quite simply, will change the world. Whether you’re a new business fuelled by a passion to foster world change or an existing business wit a cause-centric focus, we’re here to help connect you and keen to chat! Send us a message for more details.