Danjoo Koorliny Walking Together is large-scale, long-term systems change project designed and led by Aboriginal leaders to help us all walk together as Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people towards 2029 (200 years of colonisation in Perth) and beyond, be it in Western Australia, Australia or globally. The leaders of Danjoo Koorliny Walking Together are Dr Noel Nannup OAM, Dr Richard Walley OAM, Emeritus Professor Colleen Hayward AM and Carol Innes AM, working in partnership and collaboration with numerous other Elders, leaders and organisations. They have made it clear that if we are talking about social impact, Aboriginal people have had a blueprint for social, ecological and cultural harmony for more than 60,000 years, and that this can be of benefit to everybody and everything. The Danjoo Koorliny Social Impact Festival is an annual event that brings us together to see what has shifted in the last year and to help us set our focus for the year(s) ahead.