Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network of WA (MYAN WA)'s logo

Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network of WA (MYAN WA)

Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network of WA (MYAN WA)'s logo
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MYAN WA aims to develop the capacity of WA practitioners, service providers, policy makers and funding bodies to ensure positive settlement outcomes for young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds. MYAN WA provides a voice to the unique issues faced by young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds and ensures that they are integrated into the ongoing advocacy agenda of YACWA. It has grown to become the platform for both government and non-government services providers, communities and schools to come together and tackle issues faced by the multicultural youth sector. MYAN WA continues to work to strengthen youth engagement in policy making and advocacy. In the past year, the organisation has led a number of projects that enhance the skills of multicultural youth and amplify their voices and experiences in today's Australia.