St John of God Health Care, NSW Mental Health's logo

St John of God Health Care, NSW Mental Health

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Our expert, multidisciplinary teams provide specialised mental health services at our Burwood and Richmond hospitals. Programs are tailored to meet the needs of clients and support them to live a happy, healthy and fulfilling life. We provide a range of treatments for conditions including anxiety, depression, drug & alcohol addictions, mood disorders, psychosis and general psychiatry services. St John of God Burwood Hospital offers the only private Mother and Baby Residential Unit in NSW. The 12 bed purpose built unit provides support for the family so mothers experiencing perinatal depression, anxiety or other related conditions can access services and programs and recover in a caring and supportive environment. Clients with post-traumatic stress injuries will benefit from our nationally recognised PTSD program at St John of God Richmond Hospital. Further information about services and referrals to programs at our hospitals: Burwood 02 9715 9200 Richmond 02 4570 6100