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Alicia Edwards (That Budget Stuff)

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Hi, my name is Alicia I have a passion for everything relating to money and in particular, am pretty obsessed with setting (and achieving) financial goals. Even more, I want to share my passion with couples and help them to use their money to achieve their goals too! My interest in earning and saving money started when I was a young age and inspired by Mum, I started earning my first pay when I was 11 years old by delivering newspapers and pamphlets. That was the start of many part-time jobs. I always had more than one job on the go at a time. In addition to learning from my Mum about how to earn money, I then was taught how to budget and save my money too! This started me on the path to paying my own way through high school, university and then buying my first home when I was 23. Since that time I have been through many ups and downs in my life, however my budgeting, saving and investing knowledge and skills have lasted through all of this. I can’t wait to share all that I have learnt and developed with you!