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Jennifer Demiri
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Jennifer is an accomplished success coach with extensive experience in break up coaching. She acquired her knowledge through the relationships she experienced throughout the years and growing through separation and divorce. The break down of her marriage was one of the hardest times she experienced in her life, she had lost her identity and direction. She was very fortunate to have people around her that supported her and empowered her to become the best version of herself. Jennifer has extensively worked and strengthened the relationship with herself by discovering what she brought to the connections she made and through that, was enabled to create inspiring and empowering relationships with the people in her life and the ones she meets in the day to day whilst honouring her commitment to self-growth. Now she wants to give back and help other people rise and create themselves again. During your coaching journey she will work with you through the important questions such as: What relationship do you have with yourself? How do you relate to self-love and self-worth? Is there a relationship pattern that you keep following? Do you understand your values? Is it your partner that you are missing or the idea of it? She is an authentic and compassionate coach who’s mission it is to support and inspire individuals to live their best life post break up, separation and divorce. We do this by helping them create meaningful, fulfilling and soulful relationships within themselves and their external relationships. When you are ready to create inspiring relationships, want to shift gear in your current relationships or learn to love yourself, Jennifer is the coach for you. Jennifer gained her qualification as a certified coach through the Success & You - Become a Success Coach training program and was awarded with ‘Best Coach Award’ whilst undergoing her training.