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Parkinson's NSW

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Parkinson’s NSW is a for purpose organisation providing essential services to people living with Parkinson’s, their families and carers. Services currently include an InfoLine staffed by Parkinson's specialist nurses, Neurological Nurses in the community, over 70 Support Groups, counselling, education seminars and we also fund research to find new treatments and ultimately a cure. Parkinson's is a progressive neurological condition which affects the brain's ability to control movement and may also be associated with other symptoms including mood, depression and anxiety. There is no cure. In Australia, every hour of every day someone is diagnosed with Parkinson's. Latest research suggest up to 212,000* (1 in 117) Australians are living with Parkinson's. Whilst the majority of people affected are over 60 at the time of diagnoses, 18% are of working age and 10% are under the age of 40. *Ayton, D., Ayton, S., Barker, AL., Bush, AI and Warren, N. (2018). Parkinson’s disease prevalence and the association with rurality and agricultural determinants. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders. October 2018.