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Healing Evolution Wellness Center

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Healing Evolution Wellness Centre offers a range of services to help you reclaim balance and reconnect to your personal power and self worth. Trish's counselling combines Solution Focused, Mindfulness and Acceptance & Commitment therapy along with options to incorporate her emotional healing essential oil blends and mindfulness practice. Trish also offers a range of energy healing treatment which includes Chakra Balancing, Reiki and Intuitive Aromatherapy massage. These treatments are complemented with crystals and sound therapy to enhance the experience for greater healing potential. Here at Healing Evolution Wellness Centre we love sharing our knowledge and value connecting with our community. We offer a guided meditation group and a range of workshops to help you learn different ways to use crystals, essential oils and reconnect with your true self to live an empowered life. For your convenience Healing Evolution Wellness Centre offers a crystal shop with a wide range of crystals, crystal jewellery and essential oils for emotional healing and chakra balancing along with Trish's self help books, Emotional Healing with Essential Oils: A journey of self discovery and Balancing Emotions DIY Recipe Book to guide you along your healing journey. Shop in person or online for your convenience.