Michelle Nicolaou-Newman ( Mammabearth)'s logo

Michelle Nicolaou-Newman ( Mammabearth)

Michelle Nicolaou-Newman ( Mammabearth)'s logo
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Michelle Nicolaou-Newman is the Mother of 3 children, 28, 19 and 17years of age. Her and her husband have co-created the Central Coast Montessori School Community for 0-3 years and 3-6 years in New South Wales Australia now established for over 16 years. She loves creating, nature, animals, gardening, beekeeping, sharing her knowledge with her community and in turn learning from these sources of wisdom.

Michelle is an observer of life and human behaviour and has a particular interest in Maternal Wellbeing and early Newborn development. She has done training in both Birth and Postpartum support, NLP, Hypnotherapy, Steamy Chic Yoni Steaming, INNATE Traditions Postpartum Care and 0-3 Montessori.

27 years of Mothering life experiences, within her school community for 16 years along with her Birth and Postpartum work in the greater community, has revealed to her that Pregnancy, Birth and early Postpartum experiences for so many Women and Families have been inadequately tended to, causing significant compromise to their quality of life, the effects of which compromise Mothering/Parenting and Family life. It is her specific interest to bring awareness to ways we can "work with" this process of perpetual unfolding with integrity and deeper understanding.