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Michelle Tonetti

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Michelle is a Yoga instructor, Joy-ness yoga coach & Cacao Ceremony facilitator, dancer lover of laughter and all things play. Teaching people the tools and practices to continually be able to come home to themselves. To remember and reconnect who they once were and to the wisdom and playfulness of their inner child or inner guide. To show up in this world as their authentic selves. To live a life thats unapologetically you! "My mission to show everyone that they have an inner genius that needs to shine, to fully express who they want to be and know that the brain is a powerful thing that we shouldn't take for granted, and use it to its powerful capabilities. To tap into the subconscious mind, heal old wounds, let go of the fear & anxiety, and simply showing the art of how powerful reconnecting back to the heart space is, once we release those negative self sabotaging talk patterns" Always choosing love, kindness and compassion.