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Documentary Australia

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Documentaries inform, inspire and engage - Real stories provoke empathy, change minds, influence behaviour and bring communities together to catalyse systemic change. 

Documentary Australia is Australia’s only not-for- profit organisation that promotes social change through documentary storytelling.

We raise awareness, create empathy and inspire action on important social issues. We do this by connecting independent documentary filmmakers with like-minded funders, individuals and organisations on the front lines of social change. Together we amplify the issues in documentaries to encourage compassion, activism and social transformation. 

Since our inception in 2008, over $35 million has been raised for powerful impact documentaries across a broad range of issues.

This has allowed audiences to engage with films that inspire change across our seven issue areas:

- Environment

- Health & Wellbeing

- Human Rights & Social Justice

- Indigenous

- The Arts

- Women & Girls

- Youth & Education