WASEC (WA Social Enterprise Council)'s logo

WASEC (WA Social Enterprise Council)

WASEC (WA Social Enterprise Council)'s logo
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WASEC is the peak body for the Western Australian social enterprise/for purpose business sector. It dvocates for and works with new and existing social enterprises to create a thriving, collaborative social enterprise sector in Western Australia, where social enterprise is the first choice for consumers, business and government. It provides the sector with a collective voice to promote market development including: -Social procurement across government, business and not for profit sectors; -Social enterprise accreditation; -Robust impact & outcomes measurement frameworks; -Fit-for-purpose legal and financial structures and support -Provide ethical, values-driven stewardship of what it means to be defined as a social enterprise Our membership-based non-profit organisation will create thriving social enterprise communities through sector through leadership, advocacy, networking and learning and development opportunities.