Tina Brunet

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I have been a #socialjustice advocate for most of my life. As events unfold in the world as well as home, I feel that anger of injustice rise in me, it falls again only momentarily and not unlike the ripples when a stone is thrown into water. I wonder – exactly what am I doing about this? Here is my response. A seed was planted in my many years ago when I completed a prevention of violence against women course with AMES Australia. It continued to be cultivated as we faced a world in which Presidents can be crowned despite their misconduct, women continue to be raped and killed until archaic laws are re-stitched and in my own country, where violence against women is inflicted within the very walls that were formed to protect society. This video is a result of my anger, my pain and my sadness. It is a story of many, we are all in it. As bystanders, as friends, as community members as survivors and sometimes also as perpetrators. Let’s be more than tokenistic in our pledge to be allies to women this International Women's Day. Let’s start the conversation and #BelieveHerTruth.