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Debra Birks

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ANEWDAY is a holistic leadership development and executive coaching practice. Our purpose is to build brave leaders and transform organisations and teams to a culture of courage. It's an opportunity to reset and remagine your leadership identity. ANEWDAY is a values led company; we practice our values not just profess them; courage, inclusivity, connection and wellbeing. They’re part of our DNA and are akin to the content and the delivery of our service to clients; from c-suite and senior leaders through to emerging and leaders in transition. Our values are a deep part of who we are and how we deliver the programs. Our mission is to 'Make work Human'. Led by Debra Birks, a highly skilled and experienced leadership coach and facilitator, who expertly fuses her executive and business acumen of 30+years with evidenced based strategies of positive psychology, neuroscience and the ground breaking leadership research from Dr Brené Brown.