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Chantal Roelofs

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Chantal’s mission is to empower people – helping people to find their own best way to nourish mind, body and soul. She believes each of us have considerable and unique gifts we bring to the world, and by “feeling into our bliss” in life – we know we are on the right path and inspire others to do the same. Whilst Chantal’s career started in marine science and marine policy development and planning, she found her stride in working with Aboriginal communities in northern Australia for recognition of their cultural values in oceans planning, and then working closely with the 18 tribal groups of the Wet Tropics groups – to have their cultural values listed alongside the natural values on the National Heritage List. Hearing and working out ways for that strong authentic voice to be heard by others became a very strong powerful “why” for her. Chantal heads up WomanSpeak in Australia, and is a recognised Global Trainer in WomanSpeak teachings. She loves teaching women the “Art and Soul” of public speaking from a deeply feminine perspective, and trains women all across the world to start to lead circles in their communities, and is a lead coach in a high level messaging mastermind. Chantal regularly holds WomanSpeak Circles twice a month in Brisbane – and has more intensives planned for 2021 and beyond.