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Reboot Mindset Coaching

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Reboot Mindset Coaching laced up its boots in 2018 and has since earned itself a reputation for being a brave, authentic, and unconventional player in the personal and corporate training space.

Founder, Leanne Shaw got to work disrupting the norms of traditional training and coaching after resolving her own three-decade struggle with mental health issues due to sexual, emotional, and financial abuse.

Initially, being a business owner wasn’t on her radar, she simply decided it was time to step away from traditional therapy and take personal responsibility for her own rehabilitation, not just for herself, but to serve as an example to the three young daughters she was raising as a sole parent.

The big shift happened, when after careers in journalism, and community services, she undertook studies in Neuro Linguistic Programming, Hypnotherapy and Life Coaching. It was then that she discovered how to dismantle her trauma-based thinking, extinguish her impostor syndrome and release more than 30 years of believing she was defective. 

She now teaches others how to do the same through personal, group and corporate coaching as well as online through her School of Self-Worth.

No fluffy stuff, just real guidance that WORKS!