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Richa K Ekka

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About Richa: Indigenous. Breathwork Alchemist. Space holder. Life changer  My name is Richa and I am an Oraon woman from the tribes of Eastern India. My ancestors were hunter-gatherers who sang and danced barefoot while holding hands. I tell you this, as their stories & DNA still lives in me, & this is an imperative part of my story as a healer, sacred space creatix and space holder. This practice of movement, sound and breath is ecoded in my DNA and I want to share it and experience it with others. I am a breathwork facilitator, open-hearted lover, witness to the transformation of humans through movement, breath and sound. I have recently moved to Port Macquarie from Melbourne and am excited to meet new people, build community and bring my magic and medicine to this piece of paradise on the coast.