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LinkedIn Local Christchurch

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Connecting the people of Christchurch. The overarching concept of LinkedIn Local is to connect in person with people you are most likely connected with on LinkedIn. Building thriving communities, online and offline, we deliver events that help you get to know the people behind the LinkedIn profiles. LinkedIn Local Christchurch has three areas for helping the business people of Christchurch to grow their network and knowledge. We host a curated networking event that's locally sponsored where people can meet and get to know each other. No selling, no sleaze, just meeting great people In 2021, we will be hosting events called LinkedIn Local Christchurch Educate. Our team will teach how to effectively use LinkedIn through video creation, marketing, and other useful insights. Finally, we will have an event called LinkedIn Local Christchurch Social, this will be hosted at the end of the year, this is where we get to socialize with everyone you have met through the year in a non-formal setting. Think Gin, Whiskey, and Wine and food with great people. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor feel free to get in touch with Lauren Naylor, our sponsorship organiser.