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Royal Rehab

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Royal Rehab is a registered charity providing rehabilitation services, disability support services and supported accommodation (SDA & SIL). Since 1899, our not-for-profit organisation has been empowering people to achieve as much independence and quality of life as possible. Our multidisciplinary team of skilled healthcare professionals are experts in their fields. A commitment to clinical excellence, education and research, and personalised care underpins everything we do. Highly regarded for our specialist rehabilitation in brain injury and spinal cord injury, Royal Rehab is also renowned for disability support and accommodation, support services, supported accommodation (SIL and SDA), respite services and short-term stays, in home disability care, community disability services, our private hospital, adaptive sport, rec and leisure program, driver assessment and training service and clinical therapies delivering holistic quality care across Sydney. In our private hospitals we specialise in reconditioning, neurological rehabilitation, orthopaedic rehabilitation, treatment for Parkinson’s Disease, MS Management and Stroke recovery. Our multidisciplinary team is ready to deliver you the best combination of therapies to achieve your goals including: Hydrotherapy, Physiotherapy, Exercise Physiology,  PD Warrior®, Occupational Therapy, Speech Pathology, LSVT and Dietetics. Royal Rehab is an approved NDIS service provider.