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aMBUSH Gallery

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aMBUSH Gallery is much more than a physical exhibition space. It’s an innovative program of site-specific, project-based art activations stemming from a unique fusion of philanthropic and commercial impulses. aMBUSH Gallery, which is an initiative of Wiltshire + Dimas Management, is a multi-award winning gallery which has a demonstrated history of staging highly successful activations, which not only engage and entertain audiences, but also provides sustainable futures for emerging and established artists. They launched our multi-award social enterprise aMBUSH in 2007 which now includes 2 non-commercial galleries and 2 non-commercial outdoor galleries in Sydney and Canberra. It has worked with over 5000 local and international artists, has curated and produced arts festivals, public art projects, creative placemaking initiatives and more. In its heart lies the ambition in creating a sustainable economy for our local arts sector and making the arts accessible to all.