Our mission is to enrich the experience of accounting students by introducing them to various employers, to help them improve their networking and academics. The AUT Accounting Association was established in 2013 by a group of accounting students. Within one semester, the Association became the largest student-led initiative of the Faculty of Business and Law. The purpose of the Association is to be a platform for AUT accounting students to interact with business leaders, learn from industry workers, and develop essential skills such as communication and interpersonal skills. Since its conception in 2013, the Association has organised several successful events, such as career workshops, seminars, bowling, and tree-planting events. Some high profile speakers have been invited to present and to mingle with students, including senior management from industries, Partners from accounting firms, HR personnel from accounting firms and recruitment agencies etc. The events provide excellent opportunities for our students to make a good impression, and many former members of the Association attracted the invaluable attention of some of the speakers at these events. The Association is continuously exploring new ideas for events and new ways to extend and enrich the experiences of members. The success of the Association is attributed to our group of dedicated student leaders, who work tirelessly to liaison with sponsors and speakers, to promote and host events. Many are now alumni to which their experience in the Association has served them well in their career.