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Liz Wise

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We are so excited to have Liz and her expertise, professionalism, and experience to share. Trained at the Academy, Liz has a broad range of skills in the world of makeup and special effects. Highly recommended from industry critics. Here is a little about Liz…. “I absolutely animals, our family has two dogs, one Irish wolfhound and one chihuahua. I love painting and especially surrealism, which I believe ties into my love of special effects and character creation. Special effects has so many different mediums you can use to create characters and creatures, it’s so important that artists continue to share their work and their processes so our knowledge base as a whole can continue to develop and grow. I love the cyberpunk aesthetic, neon lights and geometric shapes, lines and patterns. I find it really inspiring and am certainly partial to 80s nostalgia. I am thrilled to join the LGP team!”