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Chelsea K Vela

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Chelsea K Vela the co-author of when the goddess calls vol 3, is a cacao loving, free flowing spirit that enjoys following the endless realms of possiblities. Her story includes transitioning from a family unit to a single mum with her 2 beautiful daughters by following and trusting her intuition. As a certified Holistic talk Therapist, she has helped many women through trauma and pain. She is passionate about alternative therapies and healing through speech and energy medicine. She has spent many years studying the connection between the mind, body and spirit and it is her soul calling to share this message to the world. Her mission is to align with women across the globe to empower them to become the best version of themselves by honouring all attributes of themselves. The good, the bad, & the ugly. Her purpose is to inspire others to Embody their true Essence and fall in love with the process of being their true self. Her focus is on the awakening of our soul sisters and to encourage them to rise as a union and see each other as one. She uses her skills to reconnect with the heart and helps others shift through any limiting beliefs. Chelsea adores Feminine Embodiment and leadership