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Chibs Okereke

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Hey, I'm Chibs Okereke. I'm an experienced stress and burnout specialist, accredited mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) facilitator, former CEO, and reformed striver! I provide organisations, teams and individuals with practical mindfulness, mindset and productivity tools to reduce stress, prevent burnout and get more done in less time. I'm also a meditation instructor and narrator for Calm, the #1 app for Sleep, Meditation and Relaxation, and you can find many of my tools and meditations on the app. After a severe burnout that had a disastrous effect on my mental health, I left corporate to reset, recover, and repair the damage to my health. During my time off, I discovered practical, scientifically validated tools and techniques to overcome stress, overwhelm, difficult emotions, negative thinking, and overthinking. I then made it my mission to return to corporate and share these tools with the world.