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Enviroment And Conservation Organisations

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The Environment and Conservation Organisations (ECO), has called out the fishing oligarchs’ stifling in New Zealand of moves for marine protected areas, ecosystem-based management, the precautionary approach, the norms of environmental and resource management and the exclusion of the public from decision making. ECO has called out the lack of ecosystem-based management, the losses of marine biodiversity, the fishing industry-inspired fake protected areas, the depletion of fish and ecosystems, the harms from destructive fishing methods and more. Fishing rules, research, and institutions have evolved with little public attention but much fishing industry pressure. ECO has worked hard since the 1980s to make visible and counter these problems and to propose solutions. If you’d like to support ECO’s work, consider making a donation. All funds go towards the operational costs of promoting stronger environmental laws for conservation and producing our widely acknowledged Tieke: a weekly ECO news publication: https://givealittle.co.nz/org/ECO To stay in touch and be informed about the vital issues we work on, sign up for Tieke (free of cost): https://bit.ly/3mLaQtV