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Arrow Electronics Australia / Analog Devices (ADI)

Arrow Electronics Australia / Analog Devices (ADI)'s logo
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Arrow Electronics guides innovation forward with access to over 2.7 million parts from 697 of the worlds leading electronic components and technology manufacturers and service providers. Arrow / Analog Devices (ADI) is creating and building secure, robust and reliable electronic solutions for space, aviation and critical defence applications. At Arrow, we know the world of Five Years Out relies on small, forward-thinking parts put together with absolute precision. Whether it’s for the military, commerce or yet-imagined industry, the future of flight will always depend on dependability. That’s where our unmatched heritage comes to play. Enabling visionaries to bring the future to fruition. Arrow Electronics ANZ is an authorized franchised certified distributor of Analog Devices (ADI) technology, having a long history and proven track record of providing innovative, reliable, and high-quality electronic component solutions for these types of applications. FAnalog Devices, Inc. (ADI) has a rich, 40+ year history of delivering robust, space-qualified products and space technology solutions that help innovative companies get to LEO and GEO orbit faster than you ever thought possible. With QMLV-certified facilities, extensive experience with traditional space products, and end-to-end signal chain capabilities, ADI is your best opportunity to achieve new heights in space.