Geeti & Gyan are a Sydney-based kirtan and conscious music duo who bring a joyful presence to their innovative fusion of mantra, heart song, meditation, yoga and sound healing to celebrate the beauty of the heart.
Their original East-meets-West conscious music fuses contemporary and traditional kirtan and mantra with uplifting English lyrics, and features vocals, guitar, harmonium, sitar, cajon, manjira and flute.
They also incorporate celestial and grounding instruments into their opening meditations and closing sound baths, such as Alchemy crystal bowls, Tibetan singing bowls, hand pan, shamanic drum, ocean drum, rainstick, sansula and chimes.
Geeti & Gyan are both kirtanists, accredited sound healers and naada yoga teachers.
Gyan is also an accredited hatha yoga and meditation teacher and singer-songwriter, and Geeti a Soul Motion conscious dance and Kiryuho movement facilitator.