Event description: Hawkesbury-Nepean Valley seasonal forecast and new Floods Campaign information session
Time / date: 1:00 - 2:00pm, Thursday 23 September
Location: Microsoft Teams
Cost: Free
Host: NSW SES and Infrastructure NSW
Council communicators, LEMO’s and Council community engagement managers in the Hawkesbury-Nepean region are invited to join this important webinar that provides a presentation on what the seasonal forecast might mean for our region and a briefing on the new flood preparedness campaign (launching in October) with a focus on resources for local councils and their residents.
This webinar will include:
• Seasonal forecast for the local region, presented by the Bureau of Meteorology
This will focus on what seasonal outlook may mean for Sydney metropolitan areas including potential heightened flood risk in the Hawkesbury-Nepean Valley and surrounds.
• Storm Season campaign - presented by NSW SES
This will focus on the new Storm Season 2021 campaign currently underway across the state, and will include resources for local councils for engaging with your residents.
• Floods: What’s Your Plan – new preparedness campaign, presented by NSW SES and Infrastructure NSW
A presentation on the new preparedness campaign which will be launching in October 2021 to all residents in the Hawkesbury-Nepean valley. This will include resources for local councils (including new social media videos and digital assets)