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Heal.ed Tribe

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Heal.ed Tribe is a local, not for profit health promotion charity that aims to connect, educate, and nurture vulnerable young people (aged 12-18 yrs) on their mental health journey, providing a safe space whilst educating and empowering communities around them to understand and create change in youth mental health.

Heal.ed Tribe does this through five youth led and lived mental health experience programs, supporting young people and the communities around them through therapeutic support, empowerment mentoring, retreat days and practical education programs including in school Our Voice program and delivery of Youth Mental Health First Aid training. 

Heal.ed Tribe is planned to open Heal.ed Hub in July 2023 – a designated space for the young people of the community to drop into on the Gold Coast, where they can access a dynamic mix of workshops, study space, desk hot spotting, youth mentoring and programs to support their wellbeing. 

Heal.ed Tribe currently receives no government funding and rely solely on the generous donations of individuals and corporate businesses to keep their free of charge programs accessible to all in need.