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Dan Ball - Mental Health First Aid Instructor

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Hello, I'm Dan. After 12 years working in a corporate role, I burnt myself out. I worked silly hours and didn't take care of my mind or body as well as I should have. And, despite what others viewed as a promising career trajectory, I felt void of purpose. Something had to change. I no longer wanted to be just a number. I wanted belonging. I wanted purpose. I wanted (and desperately needed) to work on my mental health. And I suspected there were many like me feeling the same way. Now, at the other side of 35, I've found my purpose. I live to champion the power of peer support in workplaces and communities. I believe we all share the innate desire to help our fellow humans and my goal is to help people realise that potential. As a Mental Health First Aid Instructor I am proud to help kind-hearted people feel comfortable and equipped to support others who are struggling.