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Karen Garton

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Supporting women to have confidence in their voices.

To embrace their unique perspective and ideas.

To unashamedly own and share their story.

Because your story matters.

The experiences of our lives, everything we’ve seen and done, everything that has happened to us, has contributed to making us who we are today. The stories of our lived experiences matter, but all too often in today’s world, there’s no opportunity for women’s stories to be heard.

Many women find themselves in a position where they want to contribute but feel challenged to speak. And for so many of us, we’ve been conditioned to believe that we shouldn’t speak or that our words hold no value. We gave up on speaking, or expecting anyone to listen to us, a long time ago.

I support women to own the value of their ideas and perspectives through hosting speaking events:

  • Live Storytelling Nights
  • WomanSpeak Public Speaking Training
  • Meditation and Personal Growth Retreats

The experiences I host explore what it is that often holds a woman back. They support you to find what’s in your heart and speak from a place of authenticity. Stories shared from a whole-hearted place are a gift of wisdom and perspective to the listener, broadening understanding and facilitating meaningful connection.

Connection is the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard and valued. – Brené Brown.

The events I host provide a safe opportunity to develop and share your voice. Through my facilitation women can unravel and reset their nervous system and practice speaking in a safe environment. Like exercising a muscle, the more you do it, the better you get at it! A woman that is safely held by her listeners has no choice but to bloom.

I believe that women hold an enormous amount of wisdom and when that wisdom is shared we have the capacity to transform our world.