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Centre for Social Impact Swinburne

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The Centre for Social Impact's research sits on the bedrock of the leading universities that form the national CSI network - Swinburne University of Technology (SUT), University of New South Wales (UNSW), Flinders University and The University of Western Australia (UWA). We develop and bring together knowledge to understand current social challenges and opportunities to create a better world. We work ethically and with rigour, across disciplines and with our research partners, ensuring people, community and organisations are central. Our focus is on reducing social inequality and understanding and addressing key complex social problems. CSI Swinburne is a university research centre located within the School of Business, Law, and Entrepreneurship at Swinburne University of Technology (SUT). We are the largest social economy research centre in the world and seek to grow social impact by advancing the systems and organisations that support progressive social change.