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Debra Shepherd
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Debra Shepherd is a Communications Specialist, Strategist and Coach with 25 years of combined experience working in the television industry, corporate communications, public relations, event management and social media marketing, including 12 years guiding and educating business owners, entrepreneurs and teams. 

Debra is passionate about helping small and medium-sized businesses streamline and unify communication for connection, engagement and impact.

Debra blends 25 years of communications expertise with Life and Success Coach training, a Master of Arts in Communication Management, Statement of Attainment in Mental Health and training in Public Relations, Event Management and Reiki I and II. Debra has worked with clients in the business services, financial services, human resources and recruitment, fashion, real estate, construction, manufacturing, wellness and hospitality industries.

Debra is also the Producer and Host of The Debra Shepherd Podcast.