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Tim Gow

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Creator/organiser Tim Gow Tim is not your ordinary Kiwi farmer and breeding his own bred organic Stud Hair Shire sheep & Tufty polled Highlands are just two feathers in his wild crop of silvery hair. He’s a Pioneer Sabbatical fallowing regenerative farmer since 1988 and full Biogro organic from 1989. In fact Tim is also an electric vehicle pioneer and promoter and a kundalini & Reiki accelerated Light master. He is also a supporter of NZ musical performers. Bringing his love for all these things together is the basis of the Revitalize organic farm healing music festival. Tim works tirelessly each year to organise his band of family, volunteers and staff to pull together the 3-day event. He is often found throughout the year seeking out new musicians and convincing them to perform for the small and intimate crowd at Revitalize. If you'd like to get involved with supplying food, healing or performing in Jan 2023 please get in touch with Tim. tim@revitalize.nz