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Claire Obeid Rivera

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About Claire Obeid: Hi there. I’m Claire - A mother of two, Magdalene Womb Yoga Teacher, Mary Magdalene Priestess (in training) Energy Medicine Practitioner, Somatic Life Coach and Emotional Alchemist.  I’m passionate about the journey of awakening and embodiment through consciousness, shadow work, emotional freedom, deep healing, and growth. My playground is the subconscious mind, the soma (body), the breath, spirit, soul and the heart that resides within. I am a loving conduit and bridge for you to reach into and touch the very place within that needs attention and that is calling out for more. Just as a midwife holds space for and guides birthing women through one of the most powerful and soul-changing transitions, the dance I do with my clients is much the same. I’m here to midwife your personal awakening; to hold space as a guide, illuminator, healer, cheerleader and sacred container, through your own mental, emotional, physical, energetic and spiritual growth. Harnessing a toolkit filled with Practical Magic and Spiritual Medicine (that I’ve been cultivating and shaping for over a decade) I’m here to show you a way through your confusion and darkness to your own divine presence and embodiment, inner peace, higher knowing, purpose and alignment. I believe you have the potential to self-heal; to step further and deeper into who you truly are.