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Ferox Australis

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From the team who helped create Mozzie Monitors, Activating Australians for Citizen Science, and now the Great Southern BioBlitz, we present, Ferox Australis. Ferox australis, Latin for Wild of the South, is an Australian based not-for-profit organisation aimed at engaging citizens in science globally. The ethos of our organisation is to increase public environmental education through the use of citizen science-related tools and initiatives. The objectives of our organisation are to: Host, promote, and collaborate in ecologically focused events to engage local, national and international communities in citizen science activities. Work collaboratively with governments, council, and other environmentally focused groups in engaging the public in citizen science. Deliver environmentally-focused citizen science educational programs and workshops to the public. Connect individuals and communities in citizen science-related discussions and initiatives. Facilitate the collection, research, analysis and dissemination of scientific data with the public for environmentally focused projects. Promote discussion, awareness, and participation in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals related to biodiversity.