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Mel Eden

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Mel Eden is an experienced counsellor who helps women go from feeling alone, unsupported and out of touch with their emotions, needs and wants to increasing their self-worth, strengthening their boundaries and building more meaningful and satisfying connections in their personal and professional lives.

Mel is a business owner, mum and partner. She has been working with women in varying roles over the last 8 years. She holds Diplomas in Counselling and Community Services and enjoys updating her skills and knowledge regularly.

Currently Mel resides in the Maitland area. She lives with her partner of 14 years, one of her young adult children and the resident Magpies and Butcher Birds who like to demand attention from the back door.

When Mel isn't working, she can usually be found with a large pot of chai tea, surrounded by piles of books.

You can listen to a discussion about Mel's work on the Sacred Ground podcast https://helen-rubeli.mykajabi....